Look at the doggy in the window It's Italian
Monteriggioni, is a medieval Tuscany town surrounded by massive walls which are reinforced by fourteen towers. It is perched on a hilltop above fields of green and amid olive groves. The visual effect from a distance is astonishing. It is amazing that a fortified town like this still exists. The castle of Monteriggioni was constructed in the 13C by the Siennese. The piazza is dominated by a Romanesque church. There isn’t any traffic along the cobblestone streets, taking you back in time to the renaissance era. The houses look just as they must have when they were owned by wealthy nobles. Dante referred to Monteriggioni in the Divine Comedy: Inferno, “ come in su cerchia londa Monteriggioni di torri corona”. This picture is on the steps of the castle, someone is looking out the window waiting for his close up.